Golf's a game, let's play!
We do our best to create fun and entertaining games to build up interest and a love for the sport.
Golf is becoming more and more physically demanding. Our goal is not only to build great golfers but to build great athletes.
"Golf is a game that is played on a five-inch course ~ the distance between your ears" Bobby Jones
Knowing how to control your attitude, your mindset and your emotions can have a huge impact on your ability to be the best golfer you can be.
Using world class knowledge and technology we can help to create a golf swing that works best for each individual. No two people are the same and no two golf swings are the same.
Keeping everyone safe is always our biggest concern. We create a safe environment by keeping distance and being aware. Making sure that each student understands the rules so that we can all play safe and have fun.
There are lots of things for junior golfers to work towards. Playing in monthly junior golf events is one of the first goals for most junior golfers. Qualifying for the Junior National Golf Team would be the next quest.
Junior Golf Class at Cayman Golf Lab!
Monday - Saturday
Lots of classes to fit your family's busy schedule, afterschool and the weekend. Select one hour a week and hold that time each week for the month. Juniors enrolled will always have the option to renew that same time for the months to follow. Class size will be 4-6 students per time slot.
All classes will be held at Cayman Golf Lab. The Lab is located at 46 Canal Point Drive, Unit 18 in the Strand Entertainment Complex.
If you are interested in signing up for the academy or simply want some further information on pricing etc. please send an email to with Student name, Parent name, Age, phone number, and the desired time during the week.